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Yes, it sounds like the title of a Hollywood movie.

As many of you know, Theiss Woods is the name of this triangle-shaped property (shown above) close to the Cuyahoga Valley National Park.

We’ve spent the last five months working to save these 43 beautiful acres.

In the fall, Preserve the Valley led a major effort opposing the City of Akron’s plans to sell Theiss Woods for an upscale housing development. As a result, the city agreed to pause their development plans for several months in order to accept conservation proposals until March 31.

In April, the city intends to make the choice: conservation or development. That’s why we need your voices and participation again. Theiss Woods is public property, and we believe citizens, not developers, should decide its future.

We have planned a number of events and actions to raise awareness and show support for the 100% conservation of Theiss Woods during these critical weeks before the city’s decision. Here are specific ways you can help this week:

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Sign and share our petition on We are only 900 signatures away from our goal of 15,000 signatures to share with the Mayor and Council. Reminder: do not click on's popup Donation button. Preserve the Valley does not solicit or accept donations.

Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date with Theiss news and actions @preservethevalley on Facebook and Instagram

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Spread the word about our Save Theiss Woods Student Art Contest (Grades K – 12). From February 19 – March 19, all students in Summit County are invited to create Save Theiss Woods mini-posters (8.5 x 11) to help raise awareness and support for the protection of this greenspace. Great prizes for contest winners have been provided by local businesses. Visit our contest page for more details.

Save the Date! Our next virtual Valley Conversation will be held on March 11 at 7 pm. and it will focus on Theiss Woods and actions you can take to help us reach out to Akron City Council and Mayor Horrigan. Details coming soon.

Looking to Learn More About Other Conservation Groups in the Valley? Yellow Creek Foundation (YCF) is working hard to preserve and protect important Cuyahoga River watersheds. Visit their website to learn more about this local group and how you can help their efforts.

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